Access Mobility Equipment in Fredericksburg, Virginia is a local business in Fredericksburg. We encourage you to check us out and let us give you a free in-home estimate. We can save you from over paying those that have a high television advertising expense that you, the customer ends up paying for.
We have walk-in safety bath tubs that can be retrofitted into any bathroom. Our process only takes 1 day, so you will not be inconvenienced without your bathroom.
Our walk in tubs can be installed just for soaking, or we also install tubs with features such as water jets, air jets, heated seat, speed drain, radio, chromotherapy, and aroma therapy. The extent of your relaxation and therapeutic benefits are almost unlimited.
Access Mobility Equipment sells and installs walk-in tubs by Independent Home, Boca Tubs, Best Bath, and Meditub / Medispa.
Give us a call today for your free in home estimate. Don't forget to mention that you read this article to claim your free gift from us.
Access Mobility Equipment